First call for grants
The ‘EU for Municipalities’ Project has opened the first call for applications for grants. All Albanian municipalities can apply until January 17, 2022.
The first call for investment grants of the “EU for Municipalities” project aims to support the development potential of municipalities and improve environmental and socio-economic conditions in the local communities in Albania. In this call for grants, priority will be given to the municipalities which in the focus of their project proposals will have topics related to the rehabilitation, reconstruction and modernization of local public infrastructure, improvement of quality and access to local services and social-economic development. Through this call, the EU for Municipalities, will promote the implementation of the municipal strategic development plans and objectives and strengthen their EU funding management capacities.
What does EU4M want to achieve?
Rehabilitation, reconstruction, modernisation and development of local public sector infrastructure and public services
Boost prosperity of local communities by promoting sustainable and inclusive local economies and job creation
Application documents
- EU for Municipalities – Guidelines for Grant Applicants
- Annex A. Part A – Concept Note
- Annex A. Part B – Full Proposal
- Annex B – Budget
- Annex C – Logical framework
- Annex D LEF _ public_en
- Annex D LEF company_en
- Annex E – Partnership Agreement
- Annex F – Declaration on Capital Investment Spending
- Annex G – Standard grant contract
- Annex H – Declaration of honour on exclusion and selection criteria
- Annex J – Information on the tax regime applicable to grant contracts
- Pyetje dhe pergjigje mbi skemen e granteve te BE per Bashkite
- Corrigendum No.1 to Guidelines
Afati për aplikim
All documents must be submitted to the project offices at the address Rruga ‘Donika Kastrioti’, Pallati Tekno-Projekt, H.1, 4th Floor, Ap. 3/1, Tirana, until January 17, 2022.
If you have any questions write to us at [email protected].