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How to Write A Successful Project Proposal with EU Funding
The manual “How to Write A Successful Project Proposal with EU Funding” serves as an essential reference tool for the European integration and aid coordination units in the country’s 61 municipalities, as well as for municipal staff and other stakeholders interested in crafting competitive and successful proposals within the framework of European Union financial opportunities.
Prepared by experts from the “Municipalities for Europe” Project, drawing on the experience of the “EU for Municipalities” Project, the manual offers comprehensive guidance on EU grants. It covers the preparation of concept notes, the full proposal format based on the PCM/Logical Framework approach, and step-by-step budget preparation with accompanying examples. The manual also includes valuable advice from municipalities that have benefited from EU funds and insights from specialized training sessions on writing successful project proposals, reflecting the knowledge gained over the last five years through the “Municipalities for Europe” and “EU for Municipalities” projects.
EU for Municipalities – A Success Story
The “EU4Municipalities – A Success Story” catalogue, produced by the “EU for Municipalities” grant scheme, funded by the European Union, provides an overview of the projects implemented by the 19 winning municipalities selected through the call for proposals. The EU4Muncipalities Grant Scheme is a project funded by the European Union, where the EU provides an opportunity for assistance to municipalities for the entire spectrum of local functions and responsibilities, not just single sectors. Through two calls for proposals to all Albanian municipalities, the EU4M investment grants tackle local public infrastructure and services, local economic development, innovation, job creation, environmental protection and youth empowerment.
For more information on these projects, please browse through the catalogue here.
Municipality of Kavaja
Municipality of Puka
Tirana, Albania
What is EU4M?
EU4Municipalities is a new project financed by the European Union. Its purpose is to support the development potential of municipalities and improve the socio-economic and environmental conditions of local communities in Albania. The project aims to address the main problems that affect the quality of life and economic prospects of the community by aligning them with European standards.
EU4M in figures
Albanian municipalities targeted
types of grants
grant fund for municipalities
projects to improve local public services
projects to support the local public infrastructure and Services
municipal staff members to be trained
months project duration
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