Publication reference: EU4M – 32
Project Title: “EU4Municipalities”
Subject of the contract: Production of a promotional video on the finalization of “EU for Municipalities” project
Contracting Authority: NALAS, Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe, Branch in Albania
Maximum budget: EUR 8.000,00 (VAT excluded)
Deadline for application: 03.06.2024 at 14:00 (local time)
“EU for Municipalities” is seeking the services of a media production company to develop a short promotional video with a duration of 6 minutes, to showcase the impact of the 19 projects funded by “EU for Municipalities” on the local communities in terms of improved infrastructure, improved local services and improved lives.
The tender procedure documents and the additional information about the tender are provided below:
- Terms of Reference
- Simplified Tender Dossier
- Financial Offer
- Legal Entity Form
- Financial Identification Form