Mat Municipality

Innovation and Culture to empower Mat – ICTe Mat

General information

Duration of the project

Total Budget

EU contribution (84%)

National Contribution (16%)

Investment Component (74%)

Main Objective

Expanding the potentials of the Mat Municipality in improving socio-economic conditions to enable a better quality of life for their community, implementing strategic development plans and supporting local integration in the EU.

Main Activities

  1. Reconstruction of the Palace of Culture, Municipality of Mat
  2. Creation and furnishing of the ICT Center
  3. ICT skills training activities
  4. Workshops on “Youth in the EU integration process in Mat”
  5. Mobility experience for 20 young people from Mati to Tirana.

Photos from the before-after project

Main results

The Palace of Culture renovated and at the service of 5000 people of the community (minimum 20 people with disabilities) of the Municipality of Mat.

Driven ICT center, 2 municipal staff trained and employed, provision of services to 100 new beneficiaries per year, through 6 ICT capacity building activities.

The organization of 11 visibility activities (social and cultural) in the newly renovated Palace of Culture that promote the engagement of young people in the social and cultural development of Mat Municipality.

Increasing knowledge on the EU integration process for 10 employees of the Mat Municipality, through 4 trainings on EU standards and values for the engagement and inclusion of young people.

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